Hazaka Plant Reihoku

Main Business:Implementation of Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Improvement Projects, such as New Rural Development
Address:Reihoku-machi, Amakusa-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture
No. of Lanes:2
Throughput (m3/day):20m3
Main Raw Materials:Cattle excreta, garbage, sewage sludge
Year Constructed:August 2001

Comments of Person in Charge

After the Hazaka Plant was introduced, we were able to process the garbage generated from the community and households. We can also process the cattle excreta generated from some of the cattle farms in the area. The reputation of the compost is excellent, as it improves the breathability of the soil and holding of water. We received the 2005 Special Jury Award in a competition held by Kumamoto Prefecture.

Reihoku Compost Center Onsite Person in Charge: Mr. Wakamatsu

2005 Special Jury Award in a competition held by Kumamoto Prefecture

Plant and Fermentation Processing Conditions

Inside of Plant

Supply Inlet

Around 40 Meter Area

Discharge Outlet

Compost Product

Reihoku Yuki Daichi (Compost Product)(1)

Reihoku Yuki Daichi (Compost Product)(2)

Nationwide Hazaka Plants