Hazaka Plant Oya

Main Business:Business for Establishment of Environmental Preservation Type Livestock Industry
Address:Yabu-shi, Hyogo Prefecture
No. of Lanes:2
Throughput (m3/day):20m3
Main Raw Materials:Cattle excreta, chaff, etc.
Year Constructed:March 2003

Comments of Person in Charge

After the cattle excreta and chaff are supplied to this Hazaka Plant, the waste becomes fully ripened compost in about one month, and the product is produced continuously from the discharge outlet. This product is very popular with agricultural producers who use this compost to mainly grow spinach, cherry tomatoes, potherb mustard and etc.

Oya Compost Center Onsite Person in Charge: Mr. Takezawa

2009 Prefectural Cooperative Compost Association Award – Excellence Award

Plant and Fermentation Processing Conditions

Inside of Plant

During Fermentation

Temp increases to 80.9 ºC

Discharged Compost

Screening & Bagging

Compost Product

Oya Yuki (Oya Compost)

Nationwide Hazaka Plants