Since 1994, I have been using the compost of the Hazaka Plant for nearly 10 years, and started growing “Yamadanishiki” in 1998. Most of the Yamadanishiki used for the brewing of sake, is grown in Hyogo Prefecture. It was said that it was not possible to grow Yamadanishiki in the mountain slopes of northern Miyagi Prefecture. However, when I used this compost as a fertilizer, I was splendidly successful at growing Yamadanishiki. There were other farmers trying to grow Yamadanishiki similarly, but they didn’t succeed. Therefore, they did not believe that I succeeded to grow this brand in this area, and didn’t even grade the rice. For this reason, I decided to sell the rice directly to the sake brewers. The sake brewers’ who use Yamadanishiki grown in Miyagi Prefecture, evaluated that they can brew sake quicker with a better fragrance compared to the same brand grown in Hyogo Prefecture, and they purchased this brand at a price higher than the market price.